Water Exercise Natick Schedule

Low-impact exercise is great for muscles and joints, keeping them functional, strong and mobile. Most of our Water-Exercise classes are held in our pool’s deep end (10 feet), where buoyancy belts are provided and worn to help keep participants afloat. There, we move our joints with freedom in all directions, the water offering smooth, non-jarring resistance. These classes are just the thing for seniors, people with chronic pain, and those recovering from injury or surgery. But not so fast! Water Exercise is also an awesome way to augment your running game and sports performance. Our pool “Track Workout” can be as challenging as you choose, with the water resisting and matching all the effort you can throw at it. You might just find that running in the pool with us makes you faster over pavement and trail. We warm our pool to around 83 degrees, an ideal temp for water exercise. It’s open all seasons – indoors from September to May, and outside under the sun during warmer months. Check out the schedule below, and come jump into a class to see what wonders a water workout can do.

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